Serving Up Health, Fitness, Fun & Community

Health, Fitness, News & Fun for Picklers of All Ages

What's Cooking in the Kitchen This Week:

  • Proposed New Rules 2024: Is the Volley Serve Out? Rally Scoring Only?

  • Harvard Doctor on the 3 UNEXPECTED Health Benefits of PB

  • You’re On Candid Camera! SwingVision App Now Ready For Picklers

  • Pickleball as Rehab - Arlington Jail Welcomes Pickleball

  • 3 Exercises to Prevent Knee Pain with Pickleball

  • Does Your Favorite Celebrity Love Pickleball? See the List

  • Holding Court: Coach Mary on the Overhead Shot


What Rule Changes are Coming in 2024?

USA Pickleball received over 100 proposed rule changes for 2024 (you can read all the nitty gritty details here:

Some of the proposed rules affecting certain Pros have to do with Color of Attire (basically nothing that looks like the balls) and Single Elimination in Tourneys. While the first is being lauded, the latter is facing pushback.

By far the most controversial rules proposed is eliminating the volley serve and going to rally scoring in all matches. The volley serve elimination would make the very subjective call of “Was the ball thrown or dropped?” moot. And rally scoring would speed up play, but both would clearly change the face of the game as we know it now.
See more here…

Harvard Doc Notes 3 UNEXPECTED
Health Benefits of Pickleball

 👨‍⚕️ Dr. Calum MacRae, one of the principal doctors in the Apple study on the health benefits of pickleball, noted that the benefits apparently go way beyond the well-known advantages of exercise, such as preventing heart disease and reducing the risk of Type 2 diabetes.

He says that, “Something like pickleball, which is an active, social sport and builds community, sustains people in regular exercise over time. It’s really something that for us is exciting to see.”

Click here to see these unexpected benefits…


The Apple App SwingVision Now Works
For Picklers

SwingVision is a highly touted, award winning App for iPhones that was initially developed to help tennis coaches get their students to level up. It records the game in great detail, showing you the speed, depth and accuracy of each shot.

Apple’s press release notes it can, identify player strengths, weaknesses, and scout opponents. With this running, no more arguments about line calls. The App can replay the point in slow motion!

That seems a bit extreme to us for rec play, but being able to see and analyze each shot during a lesson or after the game is a huge benefit!

Read More about the App here…


Arlington Jail Gets Pickleball Court for
Inmates & Staff

Arlington County Detention Center had its first match last month on its new Pickleball Court. Sheriff Jose Quiroz mentioned the idea of having pickleball courts in the jail when he was campaigning for office.

He said he believed it would “improve the health of inmates and stave off burnout among sheriff’s deputies.” Inmates in the Addiction, Re-Entry and Work programs participated in the first tournament.
Read More Her


3 Exercises to Prevent Knee Pain With Pickleball


 💪 Serve It, Smash It, Win It, Love It!

THE 3 P’s of Attacking the Overhead

Good Videos for Overhead Shots:

I have attached 3 videos, but will use the Pickleball Journey guys, Elijah, and Justin, to go over basic techniques. Be sure to watch each of the videos several times, paying attention to footwork, body position and contact point, as well as follow-through. All three videos focus on the same basic principles.

The three P’s:

Pivot means drop your right foot back (if right-handed) so you are in a closed stance.

Paddle up means put your paddle behind your head, like you are scratching your back. Elbow high.

Point means use your left hand (if you are a righty) to point up at the ball as it comes down into your contact zone.

It is much safer to move backwards and forwards with a shuffle or sliding motion, rather than backpedaling. You want to point so that you reach up to contact the top of the ball to attack. (Concentrate on the holes in the ball)

Snap your paddle over the top of the ball, and follow-through across your body.

Be sure to watch the videos several times. This is an attackable ball, so you do not want to make an unforced error! Contact and follow-through and hit it deep or on an angle to take them off the court.

Jordan and Simone have excellent videos also, so please view them. It is not how hard you hit it, but how deep, and pinpointing an angle.

NOTE: This is one of the shots where recreational players get injured when they execute improperly!!! Please, do not backpedal to hit the overhead!

Watch the more advanced version if you are a higher-level player, where Elijah explains the scissors kick.

Be sure to watch Jordan’s wall drills, and Simone’s comments on how to defend against the lob. See you on the courts!


Celebrities Who Pickle! Is Your Favorite
On The List?

The universal appeal of Picklepall is apparent in La La Land. From Ellen to Selena and Bill Gates to Will Ferrell, the sport is definitely causing waves.

See the Billionaire, Model, A-List actors and sports stars who probably also lose track of the score and promise, “this is my last game,” just like us!
Read About Them Here…

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