Serving Up Health, Fitness, Fun & Community

Health, Fitness, News & Fun for Picklers of All Ages

What's Cooking in the Kitchen This Week:

  • Scientists Weigh in on POP POP Pickleball Noise

  • MLP Players asked to take 40% Pay Cut

  • The Housewives are Getting in On the Pickleball Action!

  • Bottoms Up: 6 Cocktails Just for Picklers!

  • Surgeon: How To Avoid the Most Common Pickleball Injuries

  • The Highest Altitude Pickleball Game Ever Played


Trying to Solve the Pickleball Noise Issue

An unlikely group of professionals are now weighing in on the NOISE ISSUE of Pickleball. While the game is among the most popular sports in the United States at the moment, its growth is being threatened by noise complaints from communities all across the country.

 šŸ‘Øā€šŸ”¬ Scientists are now working with major companies to help reduce the The Pop Pop Pop sounds which some neighbors in the study say sound more like living next to a shooting range, than a park.

 They have innovative ideas for both Paddles and Balls
 Check it out Hereā€¦

Major League Pickleball Asks Players
to take 40% Pay Cut 

As the sport of pickleball surged in demand, pro sports took notice of the whirlwind rise and wanted a piece of the action. They offered huge money to entice popular players to their leagues. It seems they bit off more than they can chew.

An email went out to the players asked them to consent to the pay cut and the league is also slashing costs on several events in 2024. The players have mixed reactions.
Read More Hereā€¦

Coming In THE NEWS in Next Weekā€™s Issue: The 2024 Rule Changes 
Will volley serves still be legal? Will Rally Scoring be Mandatory?


Bottoms Up: 6 Drinks Made Just for Us Picklers!

Of course, as Fit Picklers, we all know that WATER is the best hydration before,during and after a pickleball match. But what if we are still thirsty after all that water?

Luckily for us these 6 drinks offer the perfect solution. Drowning your sorrows from being on the wrong end of a Golden Pickle Match? Toasting that daring Erne that won match point? How about a Dirty Pickle-Tini or a Dill Delight?

Read More and See the Recipes HereĀ»


The Sport That Brought The Entire Housewives Cast Together For the 1st Time This Season

Last week we talked about The Bachelor loving pickleball and using the game as a contest for a Photoshoot Opportunity. Well, now the Housewives of Potomac are getting in on the action. The episode brought the entire cast together for the first time this season.

They argued the whole time and played four on four (Bizarre!) but nonetheless the sport was definitely on center stage. Looks like they could use some lessons in community building from the Fit Pickler!
Read More HereĀ»

šŸ‘©šŸ½ā€āš•ļøDOCTORā€™S ORDERS

A Florida Orthopedic Surgeon Tells the Naples Daily News Great Tips to Avoid Pickleballā€™s Most Common Injuries

Dr. Christina Kabbash, a Naples orthopedic surgeon shared some great advice for how to avoid some of the most common pickleball injuries, which include: Sprains, Fractures, Muscle Tears, Plantar Facciitis and more.

The good news is there are some simple preventive measures we all can take to keep fit and healthy.
Read About Them Hereā€¦


 šŸ˜‰ As Shakespeare once famously said:
ā€To DRIVE or To DROP, that is the Questionā€



The third shot is executed by the serving team, and it is a strategy used to get to the net.  

The third shot drop travels low and slow, and lands in front of your opponent, who is already at the NVZ line.  It should be un-attackable, so it needs to be low enough so that your opponent cannot drive it back at you.

The third shot drive is a hard shot, hit with pace and topspin.

How do you decide which one to choose?

Simone says it depends on both the height and depth of the return.

  1.  If the return is a higher ball = drive it.  If it is a lower ball = drop it.

  2. If the return is deep = drop it.  If the return is short = drive it.

  3. If the return is short and high = drive it.  If it is short and low = drop it.

  4. If the return is flat and deep, drive it.

    Another consideration is your own body positioning.

You need to get low and get under a third shot drop, contacting out in front and below your waist.

With a third shot drive, you want to contact it waist high and out in front of you.  Topspin is effective, and the middle is a good target zone, since the new is lower.

Simone executes both in a live situation.  Be sure to watch the demos several times!

One mistake we see is the tendency to drop it all the time.  If you hit a deep serve, and you see your opponent is struggling to get to the net, that is a great time to drive it!  If you drop it in that situation, you are just helping them recover and get to the net.

 If your opponent has beaten you to the line, and you are still back, this is not the time to drive it.  Drop it so you have time to get to the net to battle it out.

In the second short video, Simone asks ā€œWhen should you absolutely get to the NVZ (kitchen line)?

As you improve, you will know when you have hit a good third shot drop.  Anticipate, and get to the net, ready to pounce!  The key:  watch your opponent.  When their head and paddle come down, you know your ball is not attackable, and you can move in quickly, ready to go from defense to offense.


What is the Highest Altitude Pickleball Game
Ever Played?

1500 Feet in the SKY! The Goodyear Blimp hosted a pickleball match of sorts recently. The blimp was providing aerial views during the last day of the Professional Pickleball Association (PPA) Finals while 3 pros played in the gondola, and you wonā€™t believe what they did to make is safe during the flight.
Read More HereĀ»

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