Net Play Anticipation with DRILLS!

The Best Pickleball Nutrition Guide, The Ultimate Pickleball Ball

Health, Fitness, News & Fun for Picklers of All Ages

What's Cooking in the Kitchen This Week:

  • Net Play Anticipation with DRILLS

  • Ever Dreamed of a Pickleball Wellness Cruise?

  • Fitness Expert Glenn Dawson: Morning Mobility Stretchers

  • The Ultimate Pickleball Nutrition Guide

  • ECU Survey Needs Your Help: “Building A Healthy Community via Pickleball”

  • Lifetime Touts The “Ultimate Pickleball”

  • Vaughn Baker on The Growth of Pickleball

  • HUMOR: You Took On The Shape of a Unicorn

  • The Growth of Pickleball In India

  • The Fit Pickler Survey Contest: Enter Today!

  • Rally Rundown: Local Highlights

  • Coach Mary: Third Shot Drop Choices


Net Play Anticipation

Anticipation…is making me wait

What is Net Play Anticipation?

Net play anticipation refers to the ability to predict your opponent’s next move before they execute it. This involves reading various cues—such as their body language, paddle positioning, and the ball’s trajectory—to make split-second decisions that position you advantageously at the net.

Anticipation is not just about reacting quickly; it’s about being proactive, positioning yourself to cut off angles, intercept shots, and apply pressure on your opponents. Players with strong net play anticipation can often force errors or induce weak returns, giving them control of the rally.

How to Develop Net Play Anticipation

1. Reading Opponent Cues

- Body Language: Pay attention to your opponent’s body position. If they’re leaning forward or setting up early, they might be preparing for an aggressive shot. Conversely, if they’re slightly off-balance or hesitating, they might go for a softer shot like a dink.


Be The First to See The Offer

Come Sail Away

Ever dreamed of combining your love for Pickleball & Fitness
with a luxurious getaway? 

Sign up now to be the first to hear about an exclusive Pickleball Wellness Cruise from LA to Cabo coming June 2025. Don't miss out on this unique adventure—wellness sessions, expert-led clinics, and breathtaking ocean views await.

 🏋️ STAYING FIT with

Morning Mobility Stretches


The Ultimate Guide to Pickleball


Proper nutrition can be a game-changer in pickleball, impacting your performance before, during, and after matches. In this guide, you'll discover what to eat to fuel your body, maintain energy, and recover effectively.

From pre-match meals rich in carbs, proteins, and healthy fats to mid-match snacks that keep you energized, every aspect of your nutrition can enhance your game. And after the match?

Learn the best foods for muscle recovery and how to keep your body in top shape for the next round. Ready to take your pickleball performance to the next level? See more here...


“Building A Healthy Community via Pickleball”

PLEASE take 5 Minutes to Help out Dr. Stacy Warner, Professor at East Carolina University, and her graduate students.
Take this quick anonymous Survey about
“Building A Healthy Community via Pickleball”


Lifetime Touts The
“Ultimate Pickleball”

Gentlemen, we can rebuild it. We have the technology….

Life Time, the Chanhassen-based fitness giant, is stepping up its game in the world of pickleball with the development of what it calls the "ultimate pickleball." Seeking to address what it calls the “inconsistent speed, bounce, and durability” of existing pickleballs, the company has filed a patent for this new ball, which promises to enhance the quality of play, especially as the sport gains more advanced players.


The Growth Of Pickleball
Warms Vaughn Baker’s Heart

The Joy of Pickleball (and more courts!)

The rapid growth of pickleball is more than just a testament to its popularity—it’s a reflection of the powerful impact the sport has on communities. Vaughn Baker shares how the construction of pickleball courts and the dedication of volunteers have helped foster connections, improve health, and create a sense of belonging among players.

Pickleball transforms lives, offering a supportive environment where people of all backgrounds can come together, find their tribe, and thrive.


You Took On The Shape
Of A Unicorn


Catch us at house of pickle 🎾 @grace 🫶🏻 #pickleballtiktok #pickleballrocks #pickleballislife #pickleballhighlights #MemeCut #Meme #Memecut


The Growth of Pickleball
In India

Pickleball In India

Pickleball is experiencing rapid growth in India, attracting players from diverse backgrounds and age groups. From college students like Asmi Sapra, who represented India at international tournaments, to seasoned athletes like venture capitalist Kunal Vora, many are turning to pickleball for its accessibility and low-impact nature.

The sport’s rising popularity is fueled by its ease of learning and the minimal infrastructure required, making it especially appealing in space-constrained cities like Mumbai.




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  💪 Third Shot Drop Choices


As usual, Zane provides a detailed description, with demos, for when to drive, drop or use a hybrid with your third shot choices.

Full Third Shot Formula
· Base your choice on where you are on the court, and how high the ball is bouncing.
· Three depths: short, medium, deep.
· Three heights: low, medium, high.

1. Short and low: no drives, drops only.
2. Short and medium: hybrid, topspin drive. No drop.
3. Short and high: This is a drive only option. Take advantage of this weak return!

1. Medium and low: hybrid, drive with ¾ topspin. Margin of error and drop the fifth ball.
2. Medium and medium: more aggressive drive, or a drop and follow it in.
3. Medium and high: Drive this!!! Go at the person in front of you.

1. Deep and low: you need to use a drive and follow -up with a fifth shot drop. Execute third shot non-aggressive drive.
2. Deep and medium: no drops. Non-aggressive drive with topspin.
3. Deep and high: still driving! Think about executing your third shot drop on the fifth shot.
4. Zane is using 3rd shot drops only 25% of the time. Other pros are different.

I love my third shot drop. I set up my partner, I give myself time to get to the net, and I do not give them an attackable ball. You must have great footwork to position yourself to execute good third shot drops, so that you can contact in front of your body, use your hips and shoulders, and place the ball in the NVZ softly so it cannot be attacked. So, I will execute more third shot drops than Zane!

Save Time, Eat Better With Plant-Based Meals From Purple Carrot.

Healthy eating shouldn’t require hours in the kitchen, nor should it require you to choke down bland meals day after day. Purple Carrot is changing the game with fully plant-based meals that taste great and will help you feel like the best version of yourself. This summer, they’re making the deal sweeter by offering five new meals packed with seasonal ingredients.

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