Stay Healthy - Prevent Injuries

AIM 7 Special Offer

For the Fit Pickler Community

Pre-Match Power Up

  • Customized warm-ups to prevent injuries

  • Mental prep to sharpen your focus

Post-Match Recovery

  • Targeted stretches to reduce soreness

  • Breath-work to calm your mind and body

  • Personalized sleep tips for optimal recovery

Off-Court Optimization

  • Injury prevention exercises

  • Individually tailored strength training

  • Mental fitness coaching

Simple to Use and
Fully Customized to You 

AIM7 was developed by a world-class team of coaches and sports scientists, including CEO Dr. Erik Korem. Their team has over 150 years of experience training NFL, NBA, NCAA, and Olympic Gold Medalists, and now you have them as your Pickleball Coach in your pocket.

The App will be $9.99/month in August
and as a special bonus, 
users who pay Yearly now receive
30% Discounts on all Thorne Supplements!

Click the button below to sign up and
use code: FIT60
for Two FREE months

Don’t let pain or injury sideline you!
Stay healthy! Recover quicker!
Get in the game!