Backyard PB Court, Après PB Cocktails

Health, Fitness, News & Fun for Picklers of All Ages

What's Cooking in the Kitchen This Week:

  • Pickleball 2023 - The Year In Review

  • Fitness Expert Glen Dawson on Fixing Wrist Pain

  • Want a Backyard Court? It Will Cost You…..

  • Why Pickleball Really IS the Sport for EVERYONE

  • Drinks Anyone? 3 Recipes for Après Pickleball Cocktails or Mocktails

  • How Many Calories Does Playing Pickleball Really Burn?

  • Coach Mary: New Year’s Resolution: DRILL, DRILL, DRILL


The Pickleball Year in Review

So much happened this year in Pickleball that Forbes Annual Year in Review had to split it up into Two Parts:

From the banning of the Spin Serve and the choice of DUPR over Franklin balls, to the inclusion of Pickleball as a sport one can bet on in Fan Duel the first half the year was certainly notable.

The second half was dominated by the alphabet soup of Professional organizations vying for their piece of the pie, the noise controversy and the drama of player’s compensation and representation.
Check out Part One here..
And Part Two here….


Step by Step Fix For Your Wrist Pain


How Much Does It Cost to Build a Pickleball Court in Your Backyard?

Backyard court with fencing while expensive can increase property value

Got some spare room in your backyard? According to Andrea Scharff, a Los Angeles based landscape design expert, you’lll need at least 30 × 60 feet for the court.

So, now that you’ve paced off the space and are thinking, “Hey I could fit one in my yard!” You might be thinking, “What’s it gonna set me back?”

House Beautiful recently interviewed a variety of experts to find out. Estimates will vary widely depending on what you surface you are building on. For existing tennis courts, estimates range from $5,000 - $20,000, keeping in mind 4 courts may fit in one tennis court.

Pickleball court kits that can be laid over existing surfaces can be as low as $6,000 and full buildouts can cost as much as $50,000. Check out all the options here…. Click to Read More


Why Pickleball Really is the Sport
For Everyone

We all have heard of the staggering growth of the sport of Pickleball over the past few years. In fact there are 8.9 Million pickleball players in the USA currently that is a 4.8 million more than in 2022.

USA today interviewed pros like Jesse Irvine and recreational players across the country to get to the core of why this sport is really for everyone.

The ability to play with the whole family, the social aspect of the sport as well as the great mix of FUN and COMPETITION that the game provides all contribute to its appeal.

See the full article here…


3 Great Recipes for your
Après Pickleball Enjoyment

Pickleball Pineapple Punch

Happy People Pickleball recently shared 3 amazing recipes for Picklers to share at their next Pickleball party. All 3 can be enjoyed with or without alcohol, for those so inclined, each can be made with gin, vodka or tequila.

These include Pickleball Pineapple Punch features limeaid and assorted fruits. Pickleball Paradise Smoothie features Greek yogurt, honey and coconut water. and the Pickleball Pink delight features watermelon, lime and agave.

Check out the full recipes here….


Just In Time for Your New Year’s Resolution: How Many Calories Does Playing Pickleball Really Burn?

So the New Year is upon us and if you are like millions of people worldwide, chances are you have made some Resolutions! And one of them very well may include Fitness and/or Weight Loss.

Well, you are in luck! Parade Magazine published a report answering the question: Just how many calories are we Picklers burning? They interviewed Dr. John-Paul Rue, MD, FAAOS, a Sports Medicine and Shoulder Orthopedic Surgeon and physical therapist, Anthony Maritato.

There are several factors at play including intensity and one’s metabolism but estimates range from 100 calories for every 10 minutes of activity and about 240-300 calories per game.
Read more about calories and how to make the most of your Pickleball workout here….




In this video, Jordan demonstrates twelve drills of Christmas, but they also make a perfect checklist heading into the New Year.


Some of these are advanced drills, but they are awesome! If you find them too challenging, modify the drill to make it work for your drill partner and for yourself. Here are the drills:

Dink Domination: Play to 5 points, all dinks, but does not have to be in the NVZ. Down-the-line, Crosscourt, both directions.

Victorious Volleys: D-T-L, develop a pattern. Target FH, then BH. You can also target shoulder, shoulder, hip, hip. Target Practice!

Live Ball Kitchen Game: Play it out short court, anything goes. Do this D-T-L and crosscourt. Dinks, speed-ups, lobs, drives, resets.

Need for Speed-ups: Feed to partner, who works on speed ups. Use topspin! Be patient, set up the shot. Wait for an attackable ball. This does not have to be super hard. Switch positions.

Rabid Resets: Reset progression drill: Partner 1 drives topspin at Partner 2. Get two in a row, then start moving back. Resetting from the NVZ, the transition area. Goal: reset into the Kitchen (NVZ). Switch positions.

Transition Trouble: One partner in the transition zone (between the NVZ and the baseline). Other partner is at the Kitchen line. Partner at the NVZ drives it to partner 2 at his/her knees. Partner 2 reset to the Kitchen. You are practicing your “4th shot”. Switch positions.

Drop Dynasty: Partner 1 feeds ball deep to partner two who is at the baseline. Partner two executes 3rd shot drop into the Kitchen of his opponent. Do not come in, just drill the 3rd shot. Jordan talks up the two handers for this in a future video. Switch positions.

Total Transition: One up, one back. Courtesy feed from the front court, and the player in the backcourt executes third shot drops. Move into the Kitchen on a good third. Move in more slowly on a weak third shot drop. Play it out, anything goes. Switch positions.

Drive, Drive Baby: Attacking third shot: Partner at the net feeds a ball to partner two. Partner two uses topspin to attack a short return, using a third shot drive. First partner resets. Play it out. Switch positions.

 Super Serve: Banger’s drill: One up, one back. Drive a serve, partner is working on resets, solid volleys. Play it out. Switch positions. Be sure to play from both service courts.

Skinny Singles: Down the line: Serve, receive, third shot, battle it out at the net. One side of the court only. Use, dinks, speed ups, lobs from the kitchen, resets.

Skinny Singles: Cross court: Same thing but play on the diagonal. Switch so that you play both diagonals.

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